The KYLT Co. Challenge | 10 Steps to Keep Your Life Together
Adulting is hard. Managing a family and entrepreneurship is even harder. Whether you're new to adulting or not, it's important to be intentional with how you're spending your time and money, and that can be very overwhelming if you don't have an easy way to do it. Your priorities, how you spend your time, and your financials will continue to evolve with each chapter of your life, especially if you're running a business as well.
Having an easy way to organize it all so that you have clarity and peace of mind that you're spending your time on the things that matter to you and keeping an eye on everything you own and owe is vital to your mental and financial well-being.
This workbook and organizer will take you through our 10-step challenge to keep your life together. You can complete the activities for each tab and then continue to update it as your life and business evolve.
This is the same method we use to align our life's priorities with our goals, time, and financials to gain clarity and organization for easier decision-making.
Our method includes the following:
- A Personal Assessment for Values-Based Living
- Goal Planning & Tracking
- Establishing a Weekly Routine for Efficiency
Financial Organization
- Income versus Expenses
- Subscription Management
- Personal & Business Assets
- Debt & Liabilities
- Emergency Savings
- and More!
This workbook walks you through our 10-step challenge to start aligning your priorities with how you spend your time and money.
You'll receive one Excel workbook that walks you through our 10-step challenge. The first tab is a Welcome tab that provides a description for each of the ten steps. The proceeding tabs will each have a template for you to fill out in order to build a holistic view of your priorities, goals that align with your priorities, a weekly routine that incorporates time for your priorities and working towards your goals, and your current financial situation.